Mater: Happy Birthday to our Princess

Posted by Pater , Friday, September 25, 2020 10:31 PM

 As each year passes AJ1, Mater watches your development into a beautiful young woman with awe.  How is it possible that we created such a such a funny, clever, beautiful, creative, sensitive, caring daughter?

Oh and did Mater mention sporty?
Or that your an amazing granddaughter, cousin and friend?
This past year in particular, with the trials of COVID forcing a whole new dynamic and a lot more family time, you have come even closer to your brothers and proven yourself to be the best big sister we always knew you would be.

Sorry that the restrictions of the pandemic prevented us from throwing you a big party with all your friends and larger family, but that didn't stop us from still celebrating!

Happy Birthday AJ1! Mater, Pater and all your Avocado brothers love you very much!!!!

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