Mater: These are a few of your favourite things

Posted by Pater , Wednesday, May 26, 2010 12:47 PM

Avodaco Jr, you certainly have been keeping your Mater and Pater busy - we've barely had a chance to blog about how much you've grown and what's happened to you in the past month. Not that everything's changed; you're still far from being a big fan of food. This hasn't stopped Mater though. No matter how much you flail your arms, push it away, or purse your lips, Mater is relentless with the mush! At least we've discovered that you actually like feeding yourself. The next hurdle is Mater letting go and allowing a bit of mess as you attempt to feed yourself (yikes).

You still love to play, but Fisher-Price, Baby Einstein and Playskool are no longer any fun. Your current favourite toys are made of black plastic by the likes of Samsung and RIM.

Pater is worried that you're turning into a Crackberry like Mater, especially since you're the only person he knows whose fingers actually fit the buttons! Saying that, he's happy to abuse your new found interest by placing them just out of your reach if it coaxes you into scooting on your tummy - now if Mater can just persuade him that an iPad will get you to walk...

Where once we cooed over you sitting up, we're now used to it and hardly regard it as something special. You've spoiled us. We do however enjoy your discovery that you are no longer restricted to what's going on at floor level. Pater calls it 'nosey'. Mater prefers 'healthy curiosity' and understands totally - what woman likes to miss what's going on around her??? With this healthy curiosity has come an outlet for your excitement at new things - clapping your hands like a lunatic. For the record, you clapped first for Pater. Mater can live with Pater seeing something first.

So what's the best part about you being 8 months old? That you reached this ripe old age in the summer. Because summer means new Havainas, new swim suits, new hats and lots of time in the pool. And whether it's lounging in a floater, dunking under the water or splashing like crazy, you love being in the water... and we love playing with you there.

So what else are your favourite things? Well...

Clapping your hands and cuddling Mater,
Squealing with delight when tickled by Pater
Grabbing the remote and tasting rug strings,
These are a few of your favourite things.

Splashing in water and sitting up straight,
Slurping on cell phones and staying up late,
Listening to Grandmas as they try to sing,
These are a few of your favourite things.

Crawling and walking and swimming like crazy,
You're not there yet but soon you will be,
Bouncing around in your favourite swing,
These are a few of your favourite things.

When your rash hurts,
When your gums ache,
When you're feeling sad,
Please simply remember your favourite things,
And then you won't feel so bad.

Pater: Lessons on growing the perfect Avocado Jnr

Posted by Pater , Saturday, May 1, 2010 9:38 PM

Lesson One: Food

For Avocados to grow, they need nourishment. You, Avocado Jnr, seem to have no problem with water (and milk) but food hasn't been the joy others have found it to be. As the photos below show, you don't seem to agree with the words of Oliver's fellow orphans...

Food, glorious food!
What wouldn't we give for
That extra bit more --
That's all that we live for
Why should we be fated to
Do nothing but brood
On food,
Magical food,
Wonderful food,
Marvellous food,
Fabulous food,
Beautiful food,
Glorious food.
...and you definately won't be asking for more when it comes to peaches, sweet potato or rice cereal. It's ironic that you'll happily put clothes labels, unwashed toys and the tassles of Grandma Toronto's rug into your mouth but not a piece of banana.

It's even more ironic when you consider the sweet tooth that runs through Mater's side...

...maybe we should puree cupcakes for you?

Lesson Two: Sunlight

Avocados trees need strong sunlight to grow. Avocado Jnrs are no different but sunlight isn't the easiest thing to obtain in Canada. Pater knows, having lived through two winters that lasted six months. Six months of minus temperatures and snow up to the waist! Pater is therefore so proud of your recent achievement (no, not sleeping through the night or sitting up on your own) of making it through your first Canadian winter without one of your ears dropping off or losing a toe to frostbite. Pater's proud how you survived this...

...and this...

...and are now enjoying the real sunlight needed for growth (yes, Mater, only after putting on Factor 60 Sun cream, obviously) as shown here...

...and here...

Lesson Three: Knowing when to throw in the towel

Avocados aren't easy to grow. Perseverance is needed. And in life you too, my Avocado Jnr, will need to learn tenacity. But as important as that is, you also need to learn when to throw in the towel. When? Well, if you see Mater putting on boxing gloves, forget the towel, don't even get in the ring. As shown in the last post, Pater learnt that lesson the hard way!