Pater: Happy 50th Birthday Uncle Tel Aviv

Posted by Pater , Saturday, August 1, 2020 9:30 PM

August 1st is a pretty historical day.  It was on August 1st that Christopher Columbus became the first European to step foot on what is now Venezuala (1498), George I became King (1714), Britain and Ireland joined in union to become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1800), Colorado became the 38th State (1876), the German Empire declared war on the Russian Empire (1914), the Warsaw Uprising broke out (1944), Islamabad becomes the capital of Pakistan (1960).  And then August 1st 1970 arrived.

The world was a smaller place in 1970.   About half as big as it is now, to be precise, with 3,712,697,742 people in it.  And on August 1st it became 3,712,697,743 with the birth of Uncle Tel Aviv (within the sounds of Bow Bells according to him; in Bearsted Hospital according to official records).

And thirty nine year later began a very special relationship between Uncle Tel Aviv and you Avocado Juniors, starting with AJ1...

 ...then AJ2...
 ...then AJ3...
...and finally AJ4...
So from all us Avocado Hasses in Canada, we're sending hugs, kisses and best wishes for your 50th birthday, Uncle Tel Aviv! We love you lots and hope you have an amazing day and an even better year.  Hit it Avocado Juniors:

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