Mater: Darwin, shmarwin

Posted by Pater , Sunday, October 12, 2014 1:28 AM

This time of the year, my Avocado Juniors, brings Grandma London to our beautiful country and together with Grandma Susie, you get to be spoilt rotten by two ladies who love you more than life itself. 

Mater and Pater love you that much and more, but your grandmas have the distinct advantage over us: they can shower you with kisses, hugs, treats, candies and gifts ad infinitum and they're done.  No remonstrations to brush your teeth.  No cajoling to behave well.  No threats to finish your plate of food.  Nada.  Just kisses, hugs, treats, candies and gifts. 
They are the ultimate Good Cops. And this is the real reason parents push their children to have children of their own.  It's got nothing to do with Darwin.  Raising children means responsibility, maturity and the constant fear that your child won't be intelligent/beautiful/street smart/popular/funny/cool/the president of the world.  Having grandchildren allows you to do all the fun stuff (hugs, kisses etc etc) without dealing with any of the consequences.
If it sounds like Mater is a smidgen jealous of Grandmas Toronto and London, my Avocado Juniors, just wait until you're all in your twenties and been asked for the hundredth time as to when you're giving her a grandchild or three, then you'll understand just how jealous Mater is!!!

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