Mater: Meet the family

Posted by Pater , Sunday, November 27, 2011 8:58 PM

AJ2, welcome to the world! Yes, we've been bosom buddies for nearly three weeks but apparently writing it here makes it official. Or at least that's what Pater thinks...
After nearly three weeks together, Mater can definitely tell you that you were worth the wait. For the most part, you didn't cause as much heartache (literally) as your sister. Admittedly, this is now Mater's second pregnancy where a molotov of antacid cocktails formed a daily part of life, but unlike AJ1 you didn't leave your Mater with gigantic cankles. Don't worry, this altruistic act on your part won't be forgotten by Mater. Or Pater for that matter.
Mater can't say it was a surprise when the doctor announced you were a boy. After the havoc AJ1 wreaked on Mater's body, the distinct lack of blimposity pretty much gave it away. Not to mention the neverending opining by family, friends and perfect strangers that you'd be a boy. Note for future reference: big bump out front=boy; enough bloating to rival the Michelin Man=girl. Further note for future reference: Mater looks beautiful during pregnancy=boy; Mater looks greasy, spotty and, well let's call a spade a spade, down right hideous=girl.

And then you arrived! Mater was a little drugged up (which should excuse the photo below), but that didn't stop her falling in love with you immediately. Or Pater for that matter.

And let's not forget all your other Toronto family...Even AJ1 was excited by your arrival! Admittedly it did involve you "buying" a present for her when she came to visit you in the hospital (we won't mention that Pater decided that her first visit to you should also be her first subway ride, a subway ride with lots of lovely germs for her to bring with to the hospital. Oh Pater!). And "buying" another present for her when you came home. As Pater said, let this be your first lesson - girls are high maintenance.

AJ1 has even started showing you the ropes. First came the ever important "twinkle twinkle little star". Next up - animal noises and jumping from the sofa. After that Mater and Pater shudder to think. We just pray it's legal!

In case it's not obvious during the next few, sleep-deprived, months, Mater loves you very much and can't wait to see what's next. Just not at 3am, please.

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