Pater: As time goes by...

Posted by Pater , Friday, November 11, 2011 7:57 AM

Where has the time gone, AJ1? You're two years old now, about to become a big sister and have even moved into a "big girl bed"...From being totally reliant on us, you now have an opinion on most things, talk non-stop in fullish sentences, love singing, eat with cutlery (most of the time), drink from a proper cup with only minimal collateral damage, play so well with your multitude of friends, and are a genius with jigsaw puzzles. Basically, you are growing up way too fast for our liking, says I. Prove it, says you. Here goes, says I...

From our first visit to the zoo, you've been enamoured by the elephants.

Not that you didn't enjoy the more stationary animals at the zooAnd while Pater is obsessed with Toronto Zoo, you have broadened your horizons somewhat. And even at home, you and Ursula the Bear are inseparableOver the last 2 years, you've grown closer and closer to your cousins...
...and to your friends (Pater is allowing the friendship with the boys at this age. Do NOT assume the same permission will be given at age 18).You've loved your travels, whether by ship or by plane. Thankfully you've always dealt with your luggage yourself.Truly your pater's daughter, once on your vacations you loved chilling on the beach or by the pool.Not that you need to go away to have fun.

And let's not forget dressing up...

...and dressing down.

It hasn't been all work, work, work. Perhaps the greatest joy for Mater and I has been watching you develop in normal, everyday tasks, like bathing......and eating...

...and eating...Yup, it's been a fun two years and we're looking forward to many more to come With you and AJ2!

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