Mater: My Half of the Avocado

Posted by Mater , Monday, August 24, 2009 12:58 PM

All this talk of Avocadoes...that was so week 16 - we're way past that now. I would say you're more of a watermelon at this point, than an avocado. But, you are definitely a Hass that's for sure. Not that I am suggesting the constant kicking, turning and hiccupping are at all indicative of Hass qualities. The refusing to turn around for your 19 week ultrasound, may be indicative of something.... Or maybe you are just camera shy.

In any case, we're very excited to meet you! It's a weird feeling, really. I mean, we know you are arriving sometime soon, but we don't even know if you are a boy or a girl. So it's hard to prepare mentally. Or practically, for that matter. Other than considering name options (which, if you don't like, Pater was the ultimate decider; but if you do like, I had the final say, of course), we haven't really done that much to prepare. But we promise to make up for it when you arrive...

I do know that I already love you so much. Even if you are sitting on so many body parts that cause me discomfort, leading to many bathroom trips and cocktails of antacids. Or even if you are causing so much fluid to leak out of my vessels and end up giving me lovely cankles and carpel tunnel syndrome (Pater doesn't like using such formal medical terms, but since I want you to grow up to be a doctor, I will start early). Or even if you stop my airways from working properly, making it impossible to walk and talk simultaneously. I wouldn't trade all these things for the world because I know you'll be worth it.

And if not, I'll just trade you in for an avocado.

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2 Response to "Mater: My Half of the Avocado"

marallyn ben moshe Says:

mater and pater and avocado...sounds like a brilliant children's book...not kidding btw...aimee honey you keep takes guts to put it down on paper and you do it so well...your little pumpkin is going to love this...or is going to be embarrassed as hell...hey the kid picked you and knows what he/she is in for...i can't wait...keep writing...bravo!!! ps the kid is really really lucky to have you guys for parents tfu tfu tfu...stay you m