Mater: Oopsie, no more poopsie!

Posted by Pater , Tuesday, January 14, 2020 9:02 PM

Dear Pampers

We are writing to thank you for everything you’ve done for our Avocado Juniors over the last 10 years.  However, as of last night, we no longer require your services.  

Please don't take it personally; it's not you, it's us - after pooping and peeing through 32,000 diapers(day time, night, time, swimming and humorous ones worn on the head), the Avocado Juniors are all finally toilet trained 24/7. 
So it’s time to call it quits. Please don’t take offence but since we’ve spent nearly $10,000 on crap, we think our time is done.
Many thanks for everything
Mater and Pater
P.s. please pass on our apologies to the environment for the aforementioned 32,000 diapers now sitting in landfills, decomposing at a rate of 500 years per diaper.

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