Mater: Start spreading the news...

Posted by Pater , Wednesday, September 25, 2019 10:55 PM

10 years! A decade! Two whole hands! Start spreading the news!!!

Dear AJ1 - our first Avocado Junior! - can you believe that you are leaving behind the single digits and entering the "tween" years? Can Mater believe that you are leaving behind the single digits and entering the "tween" years? No, no Mater cannot. It seems like just yesterday that you were the avocado (junior) in my belly! And let's not even discuss how many years Mater is ringing in (hint: it starts with a four and ends with an orty).

So really the only way to deal with the denial of these two major milestones was to pack up our bags and take a once in a lifetime (or, if Mater can have her way, an annual) trip to The Big Apple!  Of course we couldn't go anywhere without branding our trip "10-40" and getting some snazzy swag to mark the occasion.

But then we were all set. See ya, AJs 2, 3 and 4! And Pater!
Seeing your face light up to see New York for the first time was something I wont forget. Fine, we had to get past the airport construction and graffiti to see the beauty, but Mater thinks she did pretty good choosing the hotel with the pink chandelier and funky rooftop pool! Mater *may* also have told the hotel about our special celebrations and they decided to spoil us rotten!
First stop: central park (riding on the subway to get there)! And some life lessons: parking a row boat is harder than it looks and not all zoos are created equal. But we'll tell Pater we loved it anyway. And save the entrance ticket for the scrap book not to worry!
After the long first day in the sun, thinking we were too exhausted to walk one more second - we find ourselves in front of FAO Schwartz. And just like that you are a kid in a toy store running around with your head spinning from wonder and amazement! Pace yourself, AJ1!
Next stop: The Vessel, Hudson Yards (aka the place that houses Dyllans Candy Bar), The Highline, Soho (aka shopping), the Camp store (by far your favourite place!), a little post-day swim and dinner with Cousins New York (where we may have lied and told them it was your actual birthday!).
Lets not forget the epic day at the Statue of Liberty (a first for Mater too!), Wall Street, Ground Zero and some more shopping. Mater also got to live out her dream to go to the US Open - it may not have been your first choice, but you were a trooper so thank you for that!
We did manage to pack in some museums (wow, Camp exhibit, just wow) and, wait for it...more shopping! And then the highlight of the trip - Mean Girls the musical - but don't get any ideas because you are not allowed to be a mean girl! And, also, I'll explain those words you asked about during the show when you are older...
Alas, it was time to say goodbye (we will miss you Target!)! It was truly a trip Mater will never forget. And I hope it was for you too, AJ1. Happy birthday to my most amazing one and only little girl, my mini-me, the one that made me a mom, and the funnest travel companion a girl could ask for (sorry Pater!).
Until next year, NYC!

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