Pater: Fall Fotos

Posted by Pater , Sunday, October 28, 2018 11:06 PM

Summer is over, a hint of the snow-to-come is on the air.  But before the Winter Wonderland hits this fair country and takes it hostage until April (or later!), we have a brief, beautiful interlude that magically turns every leaf from a boring shade of green to an iridescent array of colours.  Oranges, yellows, browns, reds, purples of every shade.  For a short period of time, before a heavy rain storm or a bone chilling wind sends them spiraling to the ground, these leaves are God's own palette brushed against a canvas of bright blue sky.  And what better to add to a perfect piece of art, than four perfect Avocado Juniors, whether in our favourite Fall Park...

...or favourite backyard garden...
Mater and Pater take Fall Fotos to capture these moments when both our Avocado Juniors and Mother Nature are at their best.  But capturing the present isn't our only reason.  There is also the opportunity to Fall Backwards and marvel at how some parts of the canvas have changed, while others have stayed exactly the same...
And so we Fall Forward to the future.  To future beautiful Falls.  To future beautiful Fotos...

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