Mater: London calling - a series of distracting attractions...

Posted by Pater , Wednesday, May 30, 2018 10:11 PM

Mater doesn't want to be a punk about it or create a Clash, but London was off we went with AJ4 for his first trip to England!

We had so many fun things planned, starting with helping Grandma London pack up her home, pending her move to Toronto.  Yes, you heard it here first!!!! While it's great and we're so excited to have two grandmas living close to us in Toronto, it does mean an end of an era.  Not least for Pater, who is losing the home he grew up in and the only phone number he actually remembers.  He's tearing up as I write this.  Okay, need to distract him, quickly!  Quick, look over here, Pater, as AJ4 visits your childhood home...
Well that distraction didn't work.  Pater's only crying harder.  Mater needs to try something else.  Yes, got it!  Look over here, Pater, at the local attractions...
Okay, that seemed to have worked.  Phew!  Maybe now Mater can concentrate on the more important aspects of our trip.  Like the food...
(Yes, he's literally eating the ice cream in his sleep; chip off the old block)
The food was great (especially Reubens!) and definitely a much needed distraction from the non-air conditioned heat hell that is London's famous transport system...
Seriously.  These are modern vehicles, not left-overs from the 1970s.  We are in the age of Global Warming.  Why can't they put an ice cube near the ventilation system from May through to August?  Looks like another distraction is needed and quickly.  Let's check out our time with family...
Visiting London was also an opportunity to see Pater's friends and celebrate an amazing Bar Mitzvah party with them.  Unfortunately and potentially due to the amount of alcohol imbibed, Pater assures me that this is the only photo that, ahem, survived... you'll just have to take my word for it.  Moving right along, AJ4, it's been years since Mater came to London and once a certain someone got wind of that, well Tour Guide Pater took over and away we went.  Non-stop.  Without a break.  Ever.  First stop: Charing Cross, Trafalgar Square, Somerset House and Downing Street...
Next stop, the palaces.  Why?
Well, because Mater is a princess at heart.  So we visited every palace that London has to offer, starting with Buckingham (and check out who we met!!!)...
...then to the Tower of London (where AJ4 had a run in with a raven.  Raven 1: AJ4 0)...
...and with Mater's feet totally fine and not aching in the least little bit, finally to Kensington Palace...
It was while visiting Platform 9 3/4 that Mater's feet finally and magically fell off... Pater had no choice but to work out a way to see London without actually walking,  And onto a boat we jumped (or hobbled in my case)...
Mater was allowed to rest up...for an hour...and then we had to visit Pater's local temple of worship.  Because apparently animals in London are different from the ones in Toronto...
London was amazing, exhausting, fun, and AJ4 had a blast.  And just because Grandma London is leaving doesn't mean we won't be back.  But, like all trips away from the rest of the Avocado Juniors, the best part about going to London...was coming home again, right AJ4?

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