Mater: Pesach - The Festival of Questions and Answers

Posted by Pater , Friday, March 30, 2018 1:52 AM

Pesach is a time of questions from children and answers from parents.  For example, in our house, the questions we heard from you Avocado Juniors, were: Why is it still snowing at the end of March?!!!  Why are we still wearing coats and snowpants after 6 months?!!! Why is it sooooo cold????!!!
Good questions, said Mater and Pater.  Sometimes actions speak louder than words.  So, thanks to Grandma Toronto, we packed your bags and jumped in a cab...
...and after identifying famous local Toronto cranes...
 ...fell fast asleep...
...until we got to Pearson Airport, where AJ4 asked if he should sit, run, standstill...

...or steal a police segway to get to the plane?
After Mater and Pater had a quick "chat" with the local airport constabulary, we got on the plane for a blissfully question-free flight to Florida...
...checked into our hotel room at the PGA Resort...
...and then hit our first of many (many) bbqs, with nary a coat or snowpant in sight...
Can we spend each and every day in the pool, you asked?  Sure, we answered...

Can we spend quality time with Grandma Toronto?  Done, we said...
Betcha can't also give us bouncy castles? Um, we said...
Ok, fine that was easy, but what about a fun fair at night?  Easy peasy, we said...

You're going to make us sleep though, aren't you? No, we'd never do that...but your bodies may force it on you...

This is all great, said the Avocado Juniors, but what's a vacation without family and friends?  We agreed!
Fine, you're really impressive at answering our questions Mater, muttered the Avocado Juniors, but can you stop Pater taking a million photos of us?  Sorry guys, Mater is only so good...

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