Pater: An oldie but a goodie

Posted by Pater , Wednesday, February 28, 2018 12:32 AM

Avocado Juniors, you will be taught very early in life that being en vogue in your endeavours and capturing the zeitgeist with your thoughts, are of paramount importance.  Cliches are just so cliche.  Fresh is best.  To which Pater says, blah blah blah - which incidentally is a phrase first used by the Ancient Greeks ("bar bar bar" from the same root as barbarian and implying meaningless noises) and demonstrates just how far back Pater is prepared to go to prove his point that oldies are goodies! Why this sudden attack on our modern-day requirement for only serving up the new and rejecting the old?  Let me take you back, way back, to last autumn...

It was late September 2017 and Mater and Pater had started to put on our thinking caps.  What to dress up as?  Who will wear what?  And what candy will match our theme?  While a lot of North American parents were thinking the same thoughts, they were only planning for Halloween.  But not Mater and Pater.  We were planning for five months hence, for the most wonderful, most exciting, most amazing Jewish festival of them all.  That's right my Avocado Juniors, PURIM!!!!  (Incidentally, despite what many will claim, we were  not insane to start planning then - that is the only time of the year when a whole plethora of costumes are available.  Wait until February and you're lucky to get a second hand witch costume).  

But after so many years of dressing up for Purim, we had exhausted all the good themes (Lego, animals, princesses, kids movies etc etc) and rejected so many bad themes (which Pater will not list to avoid insulting anyone and just in case we end up running out of choices next year).  None of the movies of 2017 were stand-out enough to inspire us and all the great ideas we came up with could not be stretched over 6 different costumes.  Argh, what to do, what to do??? 

And then Pater had it.  It was an old and dated theme.  But, thanks to Disney purchasing and then restarting the franchise, it was also new and, certainly for AJ1 and AJ2, fresh.  Waiving his hand mysteriously and muttering "you will like the idea", Pater suggested dressing up as Star Wars (and then, just to be safe, quickly ducked behind the sofa in case Mater used her death grip on his throat).  The universe waited while Mater mulled it over.  But it seemed that Pater's Jedi tricks had worked.  She smiled.  

So the costumes were ordered and, incredibly, the Avocado Juniors managed to keep everything as secret as the Death Star (AJ1 tried to send out the info via a friendly yet weird robot, but Pater infiltrated it) until, finally, Purim arrived...
Ok, the characters were old.  The theme was dated.  But AJ1 looked amazing as Rey...
...AJ2 got to fulfill his life long dream (at least, his life long dream since Pater took him to see Star Wars) of being Darth Vader...
...AJ3 was convinced Stormtroopers were the heros of the story...
...AJ4 was the cutest Yoda ever...
...and Mater not only rocked it as Queen Amidala (joined by a very cool Obi Wan Kenobi), but also had lots of fun putting together an amazing mishloach manot for our friends and family...
Throw in some Kangoo Boots (the next best thing to using the Force to jump around; thanks Aunty Toronto!)...
...and, of course, light sabers...
...and you basically have an oldie that was very much a goodie.  Pater and Mater only hope that you Avocado Juniors continue to view us that way, Purim or otherwise!!!

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