Mater: Happy Birthday AJ1!!!

Posted by Pater , Monday, September 25, 2017 10:20 PM

Contrary to AJ2's assertion that first is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the hairy chest, and Pater's claim that his favorite Avocado Junior is whomever asks for the least number of candies, toys etc etc (so a heavy leaning towards AJ4 at the moment), we view you all as the best and all as our favorites. However, on this, your birthday AJ1, Mater feels safe and secure in the unequivocal, undeniable claim that you are our best and favorite girl, in so many ways...

...our best and favorite daughter...

...our best Avocado (Toronto) Hass, granddaughter...
...our best Avocado Hass sister...
...our best Avocado Hass all-round athlete...
...our best party girl...
...yup, as Mater said, our best and favorite girl...
Happy birthday, AJ1.  We love you lots and lots!!!! xoxo

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