AJ1: Finding AJ4

Posted by Pater , Sunday, March 12, 2017 10:50 PM

Dear Ms Degeneres (my Pater said it's not polite to call you Ellen),

My name is AJ1 and I'm a big fan (of your voice; I'm not sure what you look like since I go to school when your show is on).  Me and my brothers just saw Finding Dory and really enjoyed it. The trouble is, we're not sure we can wait 13 years until the next Finding movie, so we started thinking about an idea for you to work on now.

We were helped in our brainstorming (that's a Fancy Nancy word for "thinking hard") by the Jewish festival of Purim.  As I'm sure you know, on this day each year, Jews all over the world get dressed up in costumes to celebrate the victory of a lowly orphan girl over an evil wizard.  Pater just told me off for Disneyfying the story, but its okay because a) I don't know what that means and b) Mater just sent him to the time-out-step for interferring. So there we were, looking at costumes, when it hit us...Finding Monkey!!! It is the story of how scary Darth Vader, a talented pop star, and a cute wolf, help an adorable little monkey find his banana...

And we even found a perfect setting for our movie - a bouncy castle and ball pit!!!
And then Mater pointed out that the idea might not sound so feasible (that's a Fancy Nancy word for "dumb").  So we went back to the drawing board.  Or rather I did.  AJ2 got a little preoccupied (that's a Fancy Nancy word for "can't get it out of his mind no matter what") with all the Mishloach Manot (food) that we give each other on Purim...
I decided to apply some Grade 2 logic to the situation.  Dory helped Marlin find Nemo.  Nemo and Marlin helped Dory find her parents.  If only someone else could be lost and then you'd be forced to make another movie.  But who?!!!  Nemo again?
Nah, Marlin's never letting Nemo out of his sight.  So how about Dory again?
Dory might be forgetful but us kids aren't.  We need a new gimmick (that's Fancy Nancy for "shtick", which is Fancy Shmancy for "idea").  How about Hank the octopus?
For some reason AJ2 didn't like that idea.  Mater and Pater thought people might want to see more of those crazy sharks...
...but I think Finding Jaws may scare people away.  So who's left?  And that's when it hit me - how about that cute little turtle!
I can see it now...Finding AJ4!!!! We ran the idea past some important people and they loved it!
And then we ran it past some REALLY important people and they thought it would be HUUUUGE...
Ellen, we've thought of everything!  How to walk (or in some cases, crawl) down the red carpet for the film premiere (that's Fancy Nancy for "first")...
...what snacks to eat while watching the movie...
...and even what award we'll win for this movie...
Even though you're in California and we're in Toronto, I can sense you're still not sure.  Perhaps you just can't envision (that Fancy Nancy for "seeing") it yet.  Does this help?
I knew that would capture your interest.  Have your people, call my people (i.e. Mater or Pater) and we'll do seudah!

Happy Purim!
Love AJ1

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