Pater:A time of last firsts

Posted by Pater , Sunday, December 11, 2016 11:47 PM

Once upon a blog, Avocado Junior firsts were captured religiously and often the sole topic of one post after another.  Those were the days when Mater and Pater assumed we were the first parents in the world, witnessing the first of, well, pretty much anything done by the world's first babies, and so we reported each burp, roll and smile accordingly.  Why haven't we done the same for you, AJ4? Does that means that we love you any less?  Far from it!  As our last child, we are hyper sensitive to the reality that is the last time we will see one of our children do something for the first time.  Unfortunately space and time is limited, and you have 3 siblings who are still breaking new ground, still embracing life's challenges, some successfully, some endearing, some not, but all newsworthy.  For example, at a concert last night, your seven-year-old sister informed your Mater that her attempts at dancing were embarrassing her (Pater could have sworn he would have been the first recipient of that statement).  This wasn't captured on video, but your two-year-old brother's first ice-skating attempts this morning were:

See, it's happened again!  This post was meant to be all about our last child's recent firsts and it got hijacked by the other kids.  Argh, concentrate Pater.  No more stories about AJ1 and her proficiency as a skater...
...or AJ2 and his amazing new hockey skills...
...or AJ3 and his first pee in the toilet...okay, not showing that video, but how about his first night in a big boy bed...
OMG, stop!  Hereon in, Pater solemnly swears to only recount with FTPP (First Time Parent Pride) your firsts, AJ4.  Like your first Autumn...
...and your first attempt at turning over...

..and your first bath not in a sink (with a little gift left over on one occasion)...
 ...and your first girlfriend...
...and your first, second attempt at turning over (probably not helped by AJ2's weird obsession with sucking his thumb and touching your head whenever he sees you)...

...and your first nursery rhyme singalong...
...and your first solid food...
...and your first, third attempt at turning over...
...and your first snow (don't be fooled into thinking it will always be this light)...
...and your first bedroom (yes, the previous tenant may need to be evicted if he doesn't stay in his new bedroom)...
...and your first successful rollover (good job, buddy, and well done for being successful while only Pater and his iPhone were around.  Much appreciated)...

...and of course, your first taste of being a Hass Avocado...
That's certainly a lot of firsts; Pater hopes that they were as exciting for you as they were for us. And while you're not the first of our children to be experiencing these first moments, you are the first to do so surrounded by so many adoring fans...
...who can't get over how damn cute you are!

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