Pater: So here's to 4 and 40!!!

Posted by Pater , Saturday, November 14, 2015 12:36 AM

Happy Birthday to us, AJ2!!! You know, when you were born in 2011, Pater was a young and sprightly 36.  Today you are 4 years old, which by simple maths (and the aid of a calculator) must mean Pater is 40.

That's right, to the day, Pater is ten times older than you.  And while many have passed comment on Pater's advancing years, few have taken the time to consider how much better life is at 40 than at 4 (there are probably more reasons, but Pater is thinking in fours (and PG) tonight):
1) Pater is currently watching a movie, of his choosing, at 12.30 in the morning - you've been asleep since 7.30;
2) Pater just went to the cupboard, took out a chocolate bar, and ate it, without having to prove he was a good boy and deserved a treat;
3) Pater does not have homework this weekend; and
4) Beer and driving (though never at the same time).

What's that you say, AJ2?  4 is much better than 40?  And you also have four proofs?

Well yes, Pater can't dress up as Iron Man outside the privacy of our home...
...and you're right, it would be weird if Spiderman hung out with Pater and his elderly friends at his party... 
...and even weirder if he had a sword fight with me, painted a spider tattoo on my hand, or taught me karate moves and how to spin a basket ball...
 ...and that's true; at forty, people don't tend to have more than one party and one cake.  Oh, you had three?  Seriously, three?!
Okay, okay, Pater concedes that being 4 is definitely better than being 40.  Now come and give your old man a hug and pose with him for a selfie (that's what you youngsters still call it, right?).

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