Mater: Happy New Year

Posted by Pater , Sunday, September 13, 2015 4:21 PM

Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish New Year, takes place each year on the first two days of the Hebrew Month of Tishri.  Traditionally, it's the day when each individual stands in judgement before their Creator and hopes their good deeds outweigh their bad ones (so basically Christmas without the presents).  It reminds Mater of the toy Minion you three Avocado Jnrs won recently at Wonderland.  Pater asked you which one of you should have the toy and told you, " I'm going to give this to whoever is the best child in the house.  Who never talks back to Mater?  Who does everything she says? Who loves and fears Mater in equal measure?" All three of you immediately answered, "okay, Pater, you get the toy."

The well known symbols of this austere day are food and prayer. And lots of them.

Lots of big meals, preceded with apples in honey, as we aspire to a sweet new year.  Lots of time spent in synagogue, praying and listening to the shofar, a ram's horn which produces soul-stirring blasts that words alone can't achieve.  The common denominator in both is family, who sit with us as we go through multiple food courses and rabbinical sermons.  This Rosh HaShanah, as in past, we celebrated with (most of) our family, remembering all the good times spent together in the previous year and looking forward to all the good times to expect in the year ahead.

So from Pater and Mater, Happy New Year our Avocado Jnrs.  May it be a Sweet New Year, filled with love, happiness, corny jokes, and lots and lots of family.

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