Mater: Cottage Country

Posted by Pater , Monday, August 3, 2015 11:14 PM

If there's one thing you'll learn from your family, Avocado Jnrs, is that being born in a country does not necessarily mean you'll end up living there. After all, Pater was born in England, Grandma Toronto was born in Hungary, Grandpa Toronto was born in the US, Grandma London was born in South Africa and Grandpa London was born in Poland.  And, to confuse matters further, most of them spent time in yet another country before ending up in their final destination.  Confused?  You should be - you are all very much the product of a melting pot of nationalities, mindsets and customs, and, in Mater's opinion, all the better for it.  But it will make your upbringing in Canada a little confusing, so Mater and Pater feel it's important that you learn the fundamentals of being a Canadian and specifically an Ontarian.  And what is more basic, more fundamental, more Ontarian than Cottage Country.  It's even got its own Wikipedia page!

Cottage Country brings it with some definite challenges, including the traffic, mosquitoes, schlepping everything you'll ever need or may not ever need, poison ivy, bad weather and the traffic (yup, it's that bad).  So how to ensure a fun time is had by all when partaking in Canada's most famous summer past time?

1) Spend 95% of your time outside...

 2) Go fishing, even if it means touching worms...
3) Try and recall that oars propel a canoe in the OPPOSITE direction from the way the canoeist is seated (ahem, Pater)...
4) Sit on the deck and enjoy the relaxation and sheer beauty of the lake...
5) Eat.  Lots. Of. Marshmallows.
6) Discuss how much you enjoy the cottage and wonder why you don't come up more often (all of which will be made redundant when you hit the traffic going back into Toronto)...
Have great fun cottaging in Canada, our multi-cultural Avocado Jnrs, but a word to the wise: you may want to choose another term when visiting Pater's place of birth...

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