Mater: Triumphant Trio

Posted by Pater , Sunday, December 28, 2014 12:49 AM

Two's company, three's a crowd.  So since your birth in April, AJ3, Mater has been worried how AJ1 and AJ2 would handle your presence. Would your sister and brother, always thick as thieves, include you in their various pursuits?  Would their strong bond result in you being left on the side lines, as they played together...

...went to the zoo together (that's some scary bird!)...
...looked for fossils together...
...ate together...
...baked together...
...horsed around together...
...and basically had each others backs?
What a hard clique to break into!  Oh, AJ3, how Mater paced the floor boards each night, worrying that you would forever be an outsider to this Dynamic Duo.  Would your experiences with your siblings result in problems making friends in later life?  Would you never find a wife or get a red rose, or... wait,what, a red rose?....Oh....Um, did Mater mention she's been watching back-to-back episodes of The Bachelor on PVR?  Or that she was nervous about who'd get chosen for the Rose Ceremony?  Or that the intrigue and back-stabbing in the show may have caused her to project drama on all of you Avocado Jnrs where none actually exists? (Pater: you think?).  On second glance, perhaps AJ1 loves you as only an amazing big sister can...
...and AJ2 loves you as only a fantastic big brother can...
...and together, the three of you are most definitely a Triumphant Trio...

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