Pater: Bring it on!

Posted by Pater , Thursday, January 24, 2013 1:25 PM

In the red corner, weighing in at around 50 lbs (combined) and hailing from Toronto, Canada, rated by many as the best pound for pound boxer of the last decade, with 3 wins to date and no defeats, we give you the current Utra Light Weight champions of our road, the Avocado Juniors.  In the blue corner, weighing in at nothing and hailing (ha!) from everywhere, with more fights under its belt than can be counted, the Heavyweight Champion of the World, the Winter.

Our fighters have squared up before and each time, the Avocado Juniors have retreated to the warmth and safety of Florida.  But this time, there is no retreat.  No surrender.  Training began months ago, starting with warmer clothing in the autumn, gradually adding on more layers than a hairstyle in Friends.  
December arrived and with it Winter moved out of its corner and tried a few flurries to the face and stomach, but the Avocado Juniors upped their game and struck back...with woolly hats.  Winter retreated.
The Avocado Juniors gave chase, landing some extra warm clothes and smiley faces to Winter's not-so-solar plexus.
The heavier weights were pulled in temporarily to assist as the Avocado Juniors energies flagged.
But it was ultimately AJ1 who sent Winter packing with some nifty movements that are actually banned by the World Wide Boxing Federation.  But this is Canada and we say "Pah" to the WWBF and their restrictions on Snowangels and Snowmen.
...8,9,10.  And Winter's out.  The new Heavyweight Champions of the World are the Avocado Juniors.  The crowd go crazy.  Questions about taking on Summer are raised.  No one's sure what to expect next.  What are their plans?  How will the two heroes celebrate?  A warm meal?  A hot drink?  But no.  AJ1 is determined (after checking for yellow parts) that Winter understands who's boss around these parts.  Harsh but effective.

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