Pater: The Ascent of Avocado Juniors

Posted by Pater , Tuesday, October 2, 2012 12:13 AM

It seems that Avocados are bloody good for you.  High in protein and healthy fats, low in sugar and packed with potassium and vitamins K, B, C and E.  All of this is evidently working out for the fruits themselves, which always have a robust look about them (though Pater questions one website's description of them as "meat substitutes".  Sorry tofu-lovers but nothing substitutes meat!).
What's true for the fruit, certainly seems to be true for our Avocado Juniors.  How else can Pater explain the continued growth and development in our children?  Every time I turn around (which admittedly is not too often, unless I'm chasing my own tail), there's something new.  We all still remember when AJ1 turned over in the winter of 2010 in Florida.  And yet now, only a year and a half later, she's driving on her own...
...riding long extinct animals with no help from us or Barney Rubble...
...performing death-defying stunts...
...learning how to be a real Canadian...
...experimenting with makeup...
...being taught how to beat up boys (known colloquially as "karate")...
 ...and Pater's biggest upset: starting nursery, a prison sentence that will end for her in a little over 20 years...
Okay, okay, she's a girl.  They develop quicker.  It's understandable.  Friends assured Pater he can rest easy in knowing that AJ2 will live up to his gender and evolve at a pace only slightly faster than the one in which Homo-Habilis became Homo-Sapien.  But then how to explain him going from a cute accessory or doorstop... getting leg muscles...

...and learning how to use them for practical reasons...

...and not so practical reasons...
Pater thought the achievement of standing and climbing would satisfy AJ2 for the next 18 years or so.  But oh no, he had to get clever.  Like Christopher Columbus before him, the travel-bug hit AJ2 and he was off...
...and when foiled in his escape attempts, AJ2 reverted to other methods of evasion...

Once Pater got past mournful declarations to Mater of "it was only yesterday that...", he pulled himself together (read: Mater slapped him).  The educational system now has AJ1, so there's nothing Pater can do to stop her Ascent.  But Pater can still slow down one aspect of AJ2's Ascent, notably his mobility - and is doing so by any means available...
Pater checked: sisters can still be used in warfare without contravening The Geneva Convention.

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