Pater: Not a chip off the old block after all

Posted by Pater , Thursday, August 9, 2012 11:13 PM

After competing with Mater as to who was AJ1's favourite and who witnessed her first, well, everything (and winning despite what Mater claimed), Pater assumed Parental Rivalry wouldn't rear its ugly head with AJ2 - after all, he's a boy (and so why fight the whole Oedipal-favouritism thing) and he's a boy (and therefore slow to do, well, anything).   But Pater didn't factor for AJ1 becoming Mini-Mater in looks, energy, humour and intelligence, resulting in a natural, familial assumption that AJ2 would become Mini-Pater.  And to begin with, this certainly seemed the case.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, exhibit 1 - demeanour:
Exhibit 2 - energy level:
Exhibit 3 - lack of athleticism (and ability to button up trousers):
The Jury was in and the verdict was decidedly in favour of Pater over Mater.  And then something happened in AJ2's sixth month.  One minute, it was all "he's mini-Pater!" and the next it was, "are either of the Avocado Juniors your children?".  Like with AJ1, the chips started falling far from the block, beginning with exercise.  After all, Pater can't do push-ups, planks or weird yoga positions...

...Pater has no musical or singing aspirations...
...Pater doesn't know how to charm the ladies (family or otherwise)...
...Pater is terrible at wrestling...
...and, to put it bluntly, Pater is just not so damn cute...
But before Pater relinquishes all trace of genetic ownership in AJ2, perhaps there is one trait that proves a link to his father - a love of food.  Yup, Pater will take that and bank it (completely and intentionally ignoring the reality that this is one trait AJ2 actually shares with both parents).  Phew, what a relief...

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