Mater: Next stop London

Posted by Pater , Tuesday, July 3, 2012 12:52 AM

Dear Mr President of the Canadian Olympic Committee

Pater and I realize we've leaving this a little late, but we were wondering if you'd consider selecting AJ1 to represent Canada in the London 2012 Olympics.  We know there may be some objections, such as the fact that you've already chosen the 277 Canadian athletes who are going to the Games of the XXX Olympiad, but she's only small.  Who would notice if 277.3 athletes attended?  And you don't even need to worry about accomodation - Grandma London has already got a bed ready for her.  Maybe you're worrying that the IOC only produced a certain amount of gold medals for the winners.  Not to worry - Grandma Toronto has a whole supply of chocolate gold coins that will keep AJ1 happy (not to mention quiet).  Still not convinced?  Then take a look at her progress over the last 6 months in her gym class and maybe you'll change your mind.

See, a natural climber and rope swinger!  Ok, Pater said they weren't proper sports and that we'd need better proof of her Olympic skills.  So how about the monkey bar (and don't pretend that's not what you call it unofficially).
And isn't it time Canada won a medal at Bear Walking on Parallel Bars?
Mater hears that the running events aren't as popular to watch as they used to be.  Maybe if the IOC considered using rubber surfaces, it might draw more viewers.  And if they do, guess who's got a lead on the competition?
AJ1 is also really good at jumping.  You're probably shaking your head at this point; only a really backwards country could be proud of winning gold in a jumping competition, but you may change your mind.  And if you do, we nominate AJ1.
And if winning a medal for trampolining is still too embarrassing for you to consider, how about Sizzle, Sizzle, Pop?  I guarantee we'll beat the Americans and Chinese at it.
At this point, you're probably wondering if AJ1 would be better off at the animal olympics since she can swing like an ape, climb (small) mountains like a goat, hang like a monkey (noises optional), walk like a bear, hop like a bunny and jump like a kangeroo.  But how about a straight forward balancing beam.  And unlike some countries who excel in this sport, AJ1 REALLY IS UNDER FIVE!!!
Okay, okay, no more nagging.  Mater knows when not to push it.  Please let us know your decision as quickly as possible so that I can get her a whole new wardrobe from Lululemon.  And if you need any references, Grandmas London and Toronto will happily chat with you for hours on AJ1's achievements (did you know she can feed herself and is nearly potty trained?).

Yours sincerely
Mater Avocado Hass

p.s. should you decide to choose AJ1 for Team Canada and then someone else drops out (due to injury, drugs or ordering one too many 4x4s at Tim Hortons), Mater does have another athlete for you to consider...

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