Pater: Food, Glorious Food

Posted by Pater , Monday, April 30, 2012 12:26 AM

AJ1 and AJ2, beware of old age - it dulls the senses and leads to repetition.  Pater is no spring chicken (Mater: not even a summer chicken) and he knows he's guilty of regurgitating the odd joke, now and then (Mater: more now, than then), however on this topic it's not old age that brings Pater back to this timeless classic.  AJ1, you continue to experiment with different foods and AJ2, you've achieved the milestone of eating solids.  So who better to describe your love of food than Oliver and friends---

---Food, glorious food!--
--What wouldn't we give for--
--That extra bit more --
--That's all that we live for--
--Why should we be fated to--
--Do nothing but brood--
--On food,--
--Magical food,--
--Wonderful food,--
--Marvellous food,--
--Fabulous food!

See what Pater means; a classic! AJ1 and AJ2, never forget that the classics got their name for a reason.  Oh, and since I'm giving advice, beware of old age - it dulls the senses and leads to repetition...

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