Pater: Move over Paris, there's a new Socialite in town

Posted by Pater , Monday, January 16, 2012 9:46 PM

Every Mater and Pater strives to ensure that their Avocado Jnr (or fruit/vegetable of choice) is a good socialiser with the ability to play well with others, make friends and basically be as cool as their Mater and Pater imagined they were as kids. No matter that the Mater and Pater in question were scoring As in every exam or avoiding sports by joining the school chess team...

...and so, AJ1, your Mater and Pater (who really were cool at your age; it was aged 5 onwards that our nerdiness hit in) have made every effort to mold you into the happening socialite we think you should be. AJ2, you're too busy eating right now for us to be concerned if you'll make friends!

And what a monster we've created. To quote Sondheim, here's to the ladies who lunch...
Not that it's only the ladies who lunch anymore. This is the 21st Century, people!

Pater knows that at some point, he will need to learn the latest word for "cool" if only to fend off your accusations that he's not cool. But what will cool mean to you one day, AJ1? Will it be a certain style, an appearance, comportment or behaviour? Thankfully, Pater has time. For now the Zeitgeist would suggest that "cool" two years old just need to play with their friends and have fun. But maybe "cool" also means hanging with your parents? Okay, yes, Pater has a pleading tone in his voice because he knows that any minute now you and AJ2 are going to cringe at even the thought of spending time with Mater and Pater (yes, even you, uber-cool Mater). Fine, so the status quo will run it's course but for now we are going to relish those cuddles and huggies.
AJ1 and AJ2, whatever you choose as your definition of cool, whatever you decide in how you socialise, whatever way in which you shrug off your poor parents who are desperate for some measly signs of affections, Mater and Pater are assured by your interactions over the last 2 months that the two of you will always want to hang out with each other.

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