Pater: Milestones

Posted by Mater , Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:33 PM

You are just 9 days shy of your first birthday, Avocado Jnr and Pater can't help wondering where the time has gone. Calm down, Pater's not going to start maudlin. Or worrying about how soon you'll be dating. Though if you do, the boy had better be...sorry, nearly got side tracked there. Where's that gun? Sorry, what? Oh yes, we were talking about your milestones. And wow, have there been a lot of those recently:

Just three weeks ago, your first tooth appeared... crawl like a tortoise on crack; you clap, high-five, blow kisses and hide for "peek a boo" - Mater and Pater are entertained for hours with your tricks; you can pull yourself up unaided (not always to our joy)...
But along with the new milestones, we are pleased to see that you've maintained some of your earlier achievements. Mater is particularly happy that you have not lost your sense for fashion, whether it's while having a snack to eat......sporting the latest in coconut hairstyles......hanging out at a cocktail party......pondering life's mysteries...

...or just strutting your stuff like a model.
Pater likes that despite being a fashionista, you still love animals. And true to your African roots (via Grandma London), it's not just the farm animals that you love seeing...Food still plays a big part in your life, especially now that you can feed yourself. And who knew that grapes were so good????

Your biggest smiles are still reserved for your family...
While Pater and Mater like to think each of us is your favourite, we are but distant seconds to your youngest cousin...

But back to the milestones. In the last few days you've gone from a baby to, well not quite a toddler but something in between. A boddler? You brushed your teeth (tooth!) for the first time....

...and tinkled on the ivories for the first time (relax, Grandma Toronto, she didn't actually tinkle)...

But these all pale in comparison to your single biggest achievement. Move over Neil Amstrong, Avocado Jnr just took her first steps. It is actually difficult to communicate just how much this means to Mater and Pater. All the other "Firsts" pale in significance to this tremendous achievement. Maybe it's because now you can see the world from a whole new level. Maybe it's the transition from crawling baby to walking toddler to talking child Personally, Pater think it's your biggest achievement because he saw it before Mater.

In nine short days, Avocado Jnr, you will turn 1 year old. It has been an honour and a joy coming along for the ride and Mater and I thank you and God from the bottom of our hearts that we have had the privilege to watch you go from this... this...

Happy (almost) 1st Birthday, Avocado Jnr!!!

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